"Lucia's infectious, beautiful energy and stunning photos enticed me to watch her Self Portrait Confidence webinar, but she said something in the webinar that struck a chord with me. She noticed that by hiding behind the camera she was 'erasing herself from her own history' (!!!)
I thought to myself, 'wow, I am doing this exact same thing -- erasing myself from the history of my own life!' by not being in photos. I needed something to push me over the edge to sign-up and that was it. I want a rich history of my life and this was an excellent way to get started.
There truly is an art to body positioning and your essence, whatever it may be, will shine through in the photo. Also- don't take yourself too seriously, especially when you are your own audience.
I launched the site just days after taking this."
I would never have even considered attempting a photo like this before the course, my confidence in front of the camera has improved greatly. There is a lot of power in taking a photo of yourself that you love -- and taking one quickly.
When mind, body and soul connect, the deeper why becomes clear and the photo journey becomes easier.
Being in front of the camera is still very much a work in progress; however, I am now much more open to the idea of it. I enjoy when people and businesses I admire show-up for the camera. I plan to continue growing in this area. “
Written by Megan, a Self Portrait Confidence student.
Website: Here Now Hypnotherapy, www.herenowhypnotherapy.com
@herenowhypnotherapy @itsmeglips @herenowapparel
Want to learn how to take great photos of yourself? Watch the free masterclass here.
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