Holistic & Co Marketing Agency


Delegate your lead generation to a Facebook and Instagram Ads Strategist that adds 1-3 high-ticket clients to your coaching or DFY agency roster, or 500 qualified leads to you list every month with just $30/day on ad spend.


Start predicting your growth

  • When you have consistent leads coming into your list, you will have consistent monthly sales as a coach, course creator, or DFY provider.
  • You’ll be able to spend less time on your marketing and more time in your zone of genius.
  • Automating your sales and leads with Facebook & Instagram Ads is the easiest way to build your business around your desired lifestyle, not the other way around.

You’ll have profitable ads in 30 days.

Growing your email list is the #1 sales activity you need to scale your coaching or agency business

Hiring a Facebook Ads Expert is for you if:

  • You already have an established business, and you know who your clients and customers are.
  • You have a course or coaching program or DFY service that you’re ready to take from 5 figures to 6 figures (or 6 figures to multiple 6 figures)
  • You have a course or membership that you’re ready to scale.  

We’d love to work with you if:

  • You are currently generating 10k+ a month in sales from your online business (this can be a course, program or DFY service)
  • You’re able to spend at least $30+/day on your Ad Campaigns
  • You’re ready to invest in your business.  

Facebook & Instagram Ad Campaigns are the easiest and most profitable way to scale your coaching business or agency


Once you hire a Facebook Ads expert, you'll have an ongoing lead generation strategy to increase your launches, fill your programs, scale your memberships, and book out your DFY services consistently every month — all while getting your time back.

3X Return on Ad Spend for a Virtual Summit and Membership Launch

Kimberly, The Creative Spark Summit
Holistic & Co

Facebook Ads Management

A monthly Facebook and Instagram Ads Management service that triples your leads and sales in 90 days.

Ad Strategy & Feedback

We'll review and optimize your current strategy to maximize your return on ad spend, and increase your sales conversions.

Unlimited Ad Creative

You'll have unlimited Ad campaigns for all your offers. Whether it's an evergreen offer or a launch.

Perfect-fit Clients Targeting

You'll know which targeting audiences perform best for your offers and attract qualified leads. 

All Set-Up & Optimization

We'll set-up everything from start to finish. You'll easily see how every campaign is performing to make sure you hit your revenue goals while getting your time back.

Here's what you'll get

Everything you need to triple your leads and sales in 90 days

Ad Strategy & Funnel Audit

We'll create a holistic ad strategy to ensure your campaigns are profitable while working on your revenue goals. We'll audit your customer journey to increase your average order value and lifetime customer value. We'll recommend trip wires, upsells, and evergreen funnels to increase your return on ad spend right away.

By the time we turn your campaigns on, we will have a campaign strategy for ROI. 

We’ll offer copy and design feedback on your sales pages and emails to increase your conversion rate and optimize them for cold traffic. Your campaigns will be profitable before we even get started on the ads. This will increase your revenue AND get your investment back in 30 days.

Cold Conversion Ad Copy & Graphics

The real profit comes from not only converting your warm leads but also attracting and converting cold traffic into your offers every day. When you have ads that are driven for cold conversions, you'll feel seen by your best clients, even if they've never heard from you before.

  • We’ll craft compelling ad copy that speaks to your ideal clients who are ready to buy NOW, converts to cold audiences, and sounds like you.
  • We'll create professional graphics and videos that stop the scroll in the feed to increase your ad engagement and lower your ad cost.

You'll lower your cost per lead while increasing your conversion rate from landing page to leads to sales. You'll have profitable ads.

Targeting Qualified Leads

Right-fit clients start by knowing how to find them. We’ll work with you to create your Client Accelerator Audience so we can create the best targeting options for your campaigns. We’ll test 3 targeting groups within the first 30 days, so you know which ones are your best performers for your offer.

70% Re-Engagement & Re-Targeting Strategy

Already have a list of customers or website visitors you want to target on Facebook? You already know not everyone opens their email. And just because someone came to your website doesn’t mean they’ll buy right away. With Custom Audiences you’re able to stay in front of your current customers and bring back lost buyers saving you time and money.

Rapid-Fire Testing 

We’re going to test all of that beautiful creative, audiences and offers without spending a fortune or wasting weeks trying to decide what’s working.  We’re going to find out what's working and what’s not so we can dial in on the best performing ads so you can get results faster. 

How does this sound?

In just 30 days of running your ads, you'll have...

  • A profitable list building campaign that converts and consistently brings in new leads AND sales.
  • A list full of your ideal clients that can't wait to learn more from you (and more importantly, they can't wait to BUY from you).
  • Exactly which audiences to target with your FB Ads so you know they’re in front of the right people so you can keep growing your list (this part is HUGE!!).
  • More time to focus on the important things in your business, so you can stay in your zone of genius!

Qualified leads started flowing in from the moment they were turned on.

"These campaigns are a huge success! Qualified leads started flowing in from the moment they were turned on. I've had experience running ads myself, and I've also hired an ads manager in the past. I immediately can tell when campaigns are working well, and these are the most successful lead campaigns I've had. I'm excited to scale these, so I can reach my sales goals in 2024."
– AD Real Estate

My list is now growing exponentially

"Lucia's support has been invaluable. My list is now growing exponentially... and I'm so excited about what's next!!! It's truly indescribable how great it feels to have a marketing strategy and how to execute it! Someone on my team that's going to guide and support me through this wild west of online marketing. I can't recommend her more highly! This is for anyone that needs to grow their business."
– Zöe Lumiere, Life Coach

Ready to scale your leads and sales with profitable Facebook Ads?
Choose your payment plan:

Pay in Full


3 Months

  • Ad Strategy & Feedback, we'll review and optimize your current strategy to maximize your return on ad spend and increase your sales conversions. 
  • All Creative Included, we'll you'll have unlimited campaigns for all your offers.
  • Targeting & Audience Research
  • All Set Up + Monitoring, you'll never have to worry about ad objectives, pixel events and finally get your time back.
  • Weekly Check-ins to easily see how every Ad Campaign is performing, from leads to sales.
  • Monthly Reporting, we'll track your leads, sales, and ROI to make sure you hit every sales goal.

3 monthly payments of


  • Ad Strategy & Feedback, we'll review and optimize your current strategy to maximize your return on ad spend and increase your sales conversions. 
  • All Creative Included, we'll you'll have unlimited campaigns for all your offers.
  • Targeting & Audience Research
  • All Set Up + Monitoring, you'll never have to worry about ad objectives, pixel events and finally get your time back.
  • Weekly Check-ins to easily see how every Ad Campaign is performing, from leads to sales.
  • Monthly Reporting, we'll track your leads, sales, and ROI to make sure you hit every sales goal.

Meet your Facebook & Instagram Ads Expert

Hi, I'm Lucia

I’ve spent years perfecting strategic and holistic ad campaigns after transitioning from my roles as a Marketing Director for a non-profit organization and later as an entrepreneur, brand photographer, & transformational Business Coach.

My experience running ads set the stage for me to successfully launch my photography business. And again, when the pandemic put a halt to my photography pursuits, I pivoted and launched my first course.

What set me apart was my lead generation strategy using Facebook Ads, which helped me quickly secure my first 50 students. While many advise starting with organic strategies, I’ve always believed in blending both organic SEO traffic and Facebook ads for a more robust and effective business model to lower cost per lead, increase conversions, and scale faster in a predictable way.

Now I help coaches, course creators, and DFY providers triple their leads and sales in 90 days with profitable ads.

This is possible for you too.

How It Works

1. Book Your Call

We’re going to hop on a call so we can learn a little more about YOUR offers and revenue goals so we can create profitable Facebook and Instagram Ads to help you reach those big sales goals faster.

You'll choose your payment option and join.

2. Onboarding & Ad Strategy

You'll submit everything we need to launch your ads—branding, target client details, and more—all through one simple form.

You'll book your onboarding & quarterly strategy call. In just one call, we'll reverse-engineer your sales goals into a campaign strategy that hits your revenue goals.


We'll write your ad copy and images within one week and send it over for approval. While you look at the ad creative, we'll set up your Meta pixel on your website and research your target audience to ensure conversions and tracking. 

Once you approve the creative, we'll do all the set-up, testing, monitoring, and optimizing. 


Scale and automate your leads and sales

Make Your Investment Back in 30 Days

Hiring an ads manager should pay for itself.

Whether you have a low-ticket membership, a high-ticket group program, or a DFY service, your ads should be profitable.

We focus on rapid-testing your campaigns without spending a fortune or wasting weeks trying to decide what’s working. This will lower your cost per lead, optimize your campaigns, and increase your ROI faster. 

Frequently Asked Questions